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The mountains are notorious for winter sports. When thinking about a holiday to the Alps, most people will have skiing at the forefront of their mind. However summer – the ‘off season’ – is totally underrated. Mountainous resorts are the ultimate playground for fast living fitness enthusiasts with a myriad of activities on offer.

Get Fit in the Alps this Summer

Jo Yoga Mountain 400

Enjoy the benefits of training at altitude

Firstly, training at altitude can improve fitness levels immensely. If you’re in the Swiss resort Verbier, you can stay at 1400m and benefit from high altitude hikes up to 2250m or dry land training down at 800m. From trail running, hiking, Par Cours Vita tracks and mountain biking to yoga, tennis, swimming and road biking, there is something to suit everyone!

If you’ve had a winter off training, or have been slack, and are about to kick-start your summer fitness regime then make sure it’s steady and progressive.

When motivation and adrenaline kick in at the start of a new program, there can be a tendency to go for it and push oneself to the max in every workout. But steady and progressive training plans are key. Not only to prevent injury but also to build good fitness foundations and to stay motivated.

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Get some recovery time

There are times when it is opportune to push and times when you need to back off to allow for adequate recovery. It’s therefore important to know your body’s limits and respect these. This is where smart training comes in and one needs to build up gradually. You need to build a base level of fitness and executing exercises with good form. Work on flexibility with stretching after a workout or doing yoga. Try incorporating LISS (low-intensity steady state) workouts and rest days as well to help avoid injury and keep the motivation there for the long term.

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 Get back into it

Here are a couple of short workouts to try to either ease into your summer fitness or step up your fitness and push boundaries. (These 2 programs are examples so please be mindful of your own body’s limits and boundaries.)


Warm up: steady bike, between 3-5/10 effort, (max effort = 10), 10mins
Cardio: bike intervals, 8/10 effort 1 min, 3/10 effort 1min x 5
Cool down for 5mins, gentle pace

Exercise sets x 2:

Triceps dips x 8 Squats x 15 Crunches x 20
Press up on knees x 8 Lunges x 10 (each side) Supermans x 20
Lat pull downs x 8 Forwards jumps x 10 Plank to failure

Cool down and stretch afterwards.

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Warm up: steady bike, between 3-5/10 effort, (max effort = 10), 10mins
Cardio: run intervals, 10 effort 1min, 4 effort 30 sec x 10
Cool down for 5 mins, jog-slow jog pace

Exercise sets x 2:

Pull ups x 8 Super skater jumps x 10 Hanging windshield wipers x 10
Blast off push ups x 10 Jump squats x 10 Plank jack x 10
Full bodyweight tricep dips x 10 Spider mountain climbers x 10 Wood chopper 8kg (oblique twists) x 10
Diamond push ups x 10 Single leg pistol squats x 10 Full wheel outs x 10

Cool down and stretch afterwards.

get fit in the alps this summer

Amp up your training routine

A great way to shake up your training routine and learn new ways to challenge your body in an exhilarating and inspiring environment is to join on a fitness retreat during the summer in Verbier. MOUNTAIN BEACH FITNESS RETREATS has been formed by two fitness enthusiasts and personal trainers, Lottie and Emma, who both live in Verbier. They take advantage of the beautiful natural surroundings for outdoor training, focusing on primal movement patterns and functional fitness, using whole body movements to challenge both the body and mind. This is balanced with daily yoga and active recovery sessions, relaxing accommodation and fresh, healthy, nutritious meals.

The girls are passionate about their venture and also about putting Verbier on the map in the summer months. So why not visit the stunning mountains in the summer time and treat yourself to a place on one of their amazing 3-day mini or 6-day transformative retreats. Guaranteed to leave you feeling restored, rejuvenated and ready for action!

Find us on Facebook or Instagram or send an email directly to Lottie or Emma.

Guest blog post by our friends at Mountain Beach Fitness.